IoT-Powered Independence for Seniors, the Disabled, and Their Families
Find out how SmartCare’s innovative tech is helping seniors, people who are disabled, and their families achieve more independence and overall better lives.
RTI Now Shipping Miravue VIP-1 Video-Over-IP System
RTI’s Miravue VIP-1 acts as a transmitter and a receiver, lowering AV distribution costs by reducing components, cabling, and installation time.
Savant Offers Lighting Design Tools to Tech Integrators
Savant’s new educational platform features online tools to support technology integrators seeking to add lighting fixture sales and installation.
Video Game Designer Adds Smart Tech During Chicago Home Remodel
As Brian Eddy began the process of remodeling his 7,000-square foot home, he realized that an easy-to-use home automation system was exactly what he needed to complete it.