Recent statistics show that energy efficiency isn’t a priority for homeowners. Here is why it should be.
If you’re building a home or looking to renovate, here is what you need to know about windows, specifically smart windows and smart window film.
A cruise ship provides innumerable high-tech amenities. If you’re a fan of cruises, here are some things you could incorporate into your own home.
Rishi Chandra, Vice President of Product and General Manager at Google Nest, coined the term “helpful home.” We look at what exactly that means.
Reducing the energy used to create hot water in a home along with strategies to reduce overall water usage can save a homeowner a significant amount of money.
Writer Jay Basen set out to find a way to work around the barrier put in place by Amazon limiting third party control of their voice assistants.
We take a look at the two leading smart lawn mowers, Husqvarna and Honda, and tell you everything you need to know about this developing technology.
Artificial intelligence has completely revolutionized the smart home. But, there may be a dark side to the power of AI in a home; privacy.
AI’s role in the smart home has simply been a new, and more convenient, way for people to control the devices in their home; using their voice.
Buying a smart home is the same as any other home, with a few exceptions. Here are three keys to making sure the transition into your smart home is smooth.
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